Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tim Thomas and Tim Tebow - I Applaud You!

It vexes me to listen on radio to the onslaught of criticism directed at both Tim Thomas and Tim Tebow. The substance of the criticism is that “I just want to watch sports. To do that I shouldn’t have to be subjected to political or religious statements that I find offensive.”

My response to all this is “Welcome to the world of Christians in our culture today!” For example, I was watching a film recently – “The Ides of March” to be specific. I just wanted to watch a movie – not be subjected to political or religious statements that would insult and offend my beliefs.

Yet there it was: a reference to my Lord Jesus Christ with the “F” word being used as His middle name. You can search high and low through American movies, magazines, and media and you’ll never see a reference to “Yahweh” or “Allah” being denigrated in that way. But the name “Jesus” being insulted, disrespected, and mocked is a regular occurrence in our society today.

Is there any outcry against this appalling development in media and movies? Not really… That’s because such a denigration of things Christian is right in line with the anti-Christian bias that media and movies have been imposing upon American society for years now.

Good for you, Tim Thomas and Tim Tebow. I applaud you for standing your ground against the intolerance that surrounds us everywhere in our contemporary culture – intolerance toward Christ and things Christian, toward the Judeo-Christian values upon which this country and its constitution are based.

- Doug M. +

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rick Santorum, I Applaud You!

Rick Santorum, I Applaud You!

Rick Santorum! Awesome! I applaud your courage to boldly declare your moral convictions in a society suffering from a crisis in courage. The jury is still out on whether I want to completely “come on board” with your election bid, but I can say at present that it is so refreshing to experience a Presidential candidate whose authenticity is so palpable. To be frank, I haven’t been this excited about a Presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan, and before that, JFK.

In our sick society so many universities and so many religious and secular “leaders” are “selling out” and sliding down the “slippery slope” of moral decadence. Faced with that, how striking and inspiring it is to see someone standing up and standing out in stark contrast. Your example and your message so far have been a brilliant light, “a city set on a mountain top” (Mt. 5:14), a “lamp burning and shining” in a dark place (Jn. 5:35).

As for the students from all over our country at that college conference in Concord, what were you thinking? When you “booed” what Mr. Santorum said, you mocked and insulted the Judeo-Christian foundations of America and the values which have guided two hundred and thirty five years of United States history. Shame on you.

Such students and the universities which represent them may also want to reflect upon the fact that “booing” is the response of the intellectually weak. Did any student actually have anything intelligent to say by way of response to Mr. Santorum? The only facts reported in the media were that the students “booed”, “shouted”, and tried to talk over the speaker. Such strategies are all the responses of the defeated, the responses of “losers” in the face of wisdom which the stupid can neither gainsay nor refute.

Such students and the universities they represent need a “reality check”. If these schools are teaching that such responses have any place in an academic dialogue, then their educational product is not at all worth the expensive price tag of university matriculation today. It is a product that certainly has no place in a true community of scholars. Whatever “bill of goods” they are selling, it has nothing to do with the substance of a real classical education.

I welcome responses to this blog. I would welcome also your responses to our “Trinity-Cor” website at

God bless,


Doug +

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christians Beware!

Christians beware of the growing intolerance toward us. I applaud the “O’Reilly Factor” for its recent series of reports under the title of “The attack on Christmas”. How increasingly easy it is in our society today to assault the deeds, the traditions, and the customs of Christians - even to “demonize” the people who are followers of Jesus. In fact, that is my greatest fear for celebrities, star athletes, or public figures who openly declare the Lordship of Christ – that on the basis of someone bearing false witness against them, their reputations will be ruined, their dignity trashed, their professionalism ridiculed and discredited.

Our response to all this? Christians stand your ground! In a society that is so blatantly intolerant of things Christian, so insulting, offensive, and even sacrilegious in its references to Jesus, take heart and pray. Pray for the fortitude to openly declare yourselves for Jesus. Rejoice too when you are hated and attacked because of it. It is a sign and validation that you are authentically living for Him! (Mt. 5:11)

As for the sources of intolerance, pray also for them. Pray especially for those in power who use their authority to twist the truth into a lie; who represent Good as Evil, and Evil as Good; who call Light, Darkness, and Darkness, Light - “leaders” who even call Christ, Satan. Pray for them. I really believe that what they have done and continue to do borders on blasphemy and sacrilege.

Pray for such “leaders” among us, both clergy and lay, who are nothing more than phonies - petty politicians parading around with lofty titles or holy suits – “leaders” who are nothing more than plastic persons defined by the politics of power, and pursuing nothing more than praise and the next promotion. Pray that Jesus send us another John Paul, Romero or Bonhoeffer – someone willing to risk all for truth, justice, and the Gospel. (John 18:37; 1 Corinthians 9:16; Isaiah 42:3-4, 6)

I welcome your responses. I would welcome also your responses to our “Trinity-Cor” website at

Peace in Jesus,

Doug +