Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Antioch Weekend: A Retreat That Leads To The Real Deal - Jesus!


Have you grown weary of retreats that ignore the Gospel? Are you at times bewildered in the face of retreats that seem completely clueless as to the content of the Gospel message? Have you become upset with retreats that seem ashamed of the Gospel, and seem to avoid it so as to be more pluralistic and diverse, more “friendly” toward all ethnicities, genders, and orientations?

Have you become disillusioned with retreats that prefer to focus in on the “real issues” while relegating the Gospel to the “back burner”, the store room in the attic, or the “soccer file” - retreats which “move on” to “more pressing matters” while simply paying lip-service to the Apostolic proclamation, that core word of God which is the Power of salvation to all who believe?

Are you often puzzled by retreats that seem oblivious to the fact that the Risen Christ is “alive and still with us!” - retreats which offer nothing by way of Christ present in power to our lives, nothing by way of any real encounter with the power of the Risen Lord, nothing by way of any real experience of the transforming Love that is His Holy Spirit.

And what are these “real issues” and “more pressing matters” which are now surfacing in the themes of sundry parish missions, Lenten retreats and evenings of recollection? Look at some of these themes! “How Much Better We Become When We Get Better!”, “The Purpose of Life Is To Live A Life of Purpose”, “Divorce and Annulments – New Perspectives On Marriage” (No, I’m not making all this up!), “Don’t Be Liked But Not Loved”, “World Religions, The Many ways To God - It’s Really All Fruit And Some Prefer Apples While Others Prefer Oranges”. This last “All Fruit” presentation was actually given as part of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Incredible! You talk about being “clueless as to the content of the Gospel”. There’s the quintessential example of it!

Then there’s the “ad nauseam” pitch for teen retreats that go no further than counseling, and serve only to:

* “discuss” where our lives are going

* discern the meaning of life

* “discuss” how our lives are going

* “discuss” our problems

* “feel” community

* “discuss” concerns and worries about guys, girls, or friends in general

And that’s pretty much it – all of it in terms of what the retreat intends to cover!

Now you decide whether the above-stated goals and themes of retreats are good and to be commended. But whether they are or not, they are peripheral to the central and dire need today to evangelize, to proclaim the Gospel!

You may say that many of the above-stated themes have merit. I would agree with you, and even go so far to say that it is important to address many of these concerns and to solve many of these problems. But without Christ at the center of our hearts all these concerns become like a “litter of piglets” without the “mother sow”. What is the “mother sow” in this metaphor? It is the Gospel, the Apostolic proclamation to repent, to turn toward God, and to open our hearts to the Love and Power of the Risen Lord present to our lives in the Person of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

And what for a fact is that like, a “litter of piglets” without the “mother sow”? Without the “mother” the piglets become out of control and start running all over the barnyard. So also all our concerns and worries without the Lordship of Jesus – without seeking first the Kingdom of God, the reign of His Love and Power over all the affairs of our lives. It is the gateway to confusion, inner turmoil, lack of peace, even to desperation, the loss of hope, and the sense of “sinking in the sea”. (Mt. 14:30)

But capture the “mother” and you will get all the piglets. They will go right to the mother! So also, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else that you need will be yours as well.” (Mt. 6:33) - the fruit of the Spirit, the Love of God present in power to our lives, the guiding Hand of God’s Love leading us to the wisdom, knowledge and discernment that only God can give.

Even retreats that address concerns and themes like “Hope Springs Eternal” (A favorite retreat theme of Red Sox fans in October), “The Need to Believe”, or “To Love With Christ’s Love” – these themes speak of the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love, virtues that are rooted in God and are gifts of Grace, the fruit of living in union with Christ. But if our retreats do not centrally focus on leading people to live in holy communion with Jesus, then what is left of faith or hope or love to talk about? Such virtues are not even possible to experience apart from Life in Him. So again the scriptural mandate to “…Seek first the Kingdom of God…” (Mt. 6:33)

So enough of retreats that ignore the centrality of the gift of Jesus, Jesus present to us now in the Person of His own Love, the Holy Spirit. Enough of retreats that ignore the message that to have Jesus is to have everything.

If you’ve had enough of retreats that leave you empty, that give us everything but the Bread of Life, then entertain the idea of attending any or all of the Antioch advertised on the “Events Page” of this website. After an Antioch retreat experience is over you will know what it is to have an encounter with the Power and Presence of the Risen Lord, with the transforming Love that is His Holy Spirit. You will understand what Jesus means when He says, “I am the Bread of Life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.” (Jn. 6:35) You will truly understand what it is to have the gift of Jesus and that to have Jesus is to have everything.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Upcoming Events for Spring Semester 2013


Below are the dates, times, and contact info for three upcoming “Antioch Weekend” retreats. The Delaware retreat in two week s is geared to Senior High level. The retreats in March and May are directed to adult level (18 and older). See our blog page for the sharing entitled “Why Antioch Weekend?” (This blog will appear on our blog sites this Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13th), if you are unfamiliar with the Antioch experience, or want to reflect on why today an Antioch is to be preferred over many of the Church and Catholic high school retreats now in use.

The Delaware Senior Antioch
Location: St. Catherine of Siena Parish,                                                                                                                                              2503 Centerville Road                                                                                                                                                           Wilmington, DE 19808
Date: Friday the 22nd of February to Sunday, February 24th
Time: Starts Friday at 7:30 PM and continues to Sunday 1:00 PM
Contact: Mr. John Mazalewski, Youth Ministry Office at 302-633-4909


The Stowe Adult Antioch
Location: Sponsored by Blessed Sacrament Parish in Stowe, Vermont. Retreat takes place at the residence                                    of Steve and Mary Chambers, 513 Hollow View Road, Stowe, Vermont 05672
Date: Friday, March 8th through Sunday, March 10th
Time: 7:00 PM on Friday to departure after Lunch at Noon on Sunday
Contact: Mr. John Dawyot at IBM: 720-396-5376; or  Steve and Mary Chambers at 802-253-0124
The Young Adults Antioch in May
Location: St. Benedict Abbey                                                                                                                                                              252 Still River Road                                                                                                                                                                        Harvard,  MA 01451
Date: Friday, May 17th through Sunday, May 19th
Time: 7:00 PM on Friday to departure after Lunch at Noon on Sunday
Contact: St. Benedict Abbey at 978-456-8638; or Mrs. Bernadette Adamo at 617-416-1252


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Today God Will Sing Because of You!


“Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged! The Lord, your God,

is in your midst, a mighty savior; He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in His Love, He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.”

- Zephaniah 3:16b-18a

“Your Love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your


- Psalm 26:3

Do you realize that today the Lord will sing because of you? I love that thought so much – an amazing thought, a consoling thought, a transforming and healing thought! Often after Eucharist, in those precious moments of Holy Communion with Jesus, I ask Him as always to live in my heart forever, and then visualize myself delighting in God’s Love for me like a babe in the arms of his loving father.

Have you lately seen how animated with Joy an infant becomes when you shower your love upon them? I see it now quite regularly with my half year old grandson Mario. As I cradle him in my arms and “sweet talk” to him with my love, little Mario radiates with Joy. His smiles animate his whole face, making it shine as if lit up like a Christmas tree. All the while his feet are kicking and his arms are waving. He is excited by a happiness that permeates his whole being, a happiness that comes simply and solely from the awareness that he is valued, cherished and loved.

So after Eucharist I too let myself rejoice in the awareness of God’s Love. I let the warmth of God’s Love restore and rejuvenate my soul. I let the word of God to Zephaniah proclaim their power to me. I take them to heart. I even hear the Lord say those incredible words to me: “Today I rejoice over you with gladness. Be renewed and transformed in the embrace of my Love. Know that today I will sing joyfully because of you.”

Even as I leave the church after Mass I “feel the Power” of His Love take hold of me. I look up at the beautiful statue of Christ in front of our church and read His word at the base of the statue: “Remain in My Love…” As I walk on I feel like that happy little infant in the arms of a parent, and within my heart I am leaping for Joy in the embrace of God’s Love. I am lifted even to the heights of Joy after Eucharist in the real experience of His Love.

Often the touch of Christ’s Love lingers so long that I am drawn irresistibly to take my ritual ride into the country to one of my favorite sacred places. It is called the Kingsbury Street cemetery, a beautiful, quiet place surrounded by vast open fields. It is place where deer graze openly even during the day, and where wind-blown wheat and corn glitter and shine like gold in the breezes of summer.

The peace and presence of God I feel in that place is palpable, especially near the one gravestone where I always park. I know it is because of the Scripture inscribed on that one stone, words from Psalm 26:3 that always speak powerfully to my soul: “Your Love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.”

So I let the touch of God’s Love linger. I hold on to it for as long as I can. I “remain in His Love”; I stay focused on that Love, and keep the vision of that Love always before me. I abide I that love (Jn. 15), and make my home each day in the presence of that love. (Ps. 27) In the arms of His Love I am never shaken or moved. (Ps. 16) Therein lies the secret to the Joy of the Christian, to live in the awareness of a Divine Love that is always with us, a Love which exalts our soul to the heights of Joy and to a real glimpse of heavenly bliss.

To all my friends then – and especially to all my students, former and present – a most important counsel: look to the Love of Jesus on the cross – a Love like only God can love, and live in the awareness of that Love – a Love far beyond all that we can ask of imagine possible, a Love far more than we could ever dare to dream real. It is this Love which we must keep ever before our eyes. It is the reason that this day God will rejoice over you with gladness, that today God will sing at the thought of you…

Peace to you, my friends,

Doug +

P.S. In the next few days please take a look at the “Events Page” on the Tri-Cor website. Three Antioch Retreats are coming up over the next few months for senior high through adult levels. Dates, times, and contact information will be posted shortly on the “Events Page”.