From the “Prodigal Son”
story: “While he was still a long way off, his Father caught sight of him, and
was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him…” –
Luke 15:20
Wow, what a passage! As we move through Lent toward
Easter, let’s be aware that because of the Love of Jesus shown forth from the
Cross, “…all the sins of humanity since the dawn of human history have become
as a drop of water to be lost in the ocean of God’s mercy.” (Words from Corrie
Ten Boom) The fullness of the Father’s Love is what Jesus came to reveal to us,
and He did that on the Cross. On the Cross it is the Father in Christ filled
with compassion, reaching out and running to us in the hope of returning us to
His Loving embrace for all eternity.
Only Jesus is Jesus, and certain passages like the
“Prodigal Son” so clearly show how amazing only Jesus can be. How true it is
what the people who actually heard Him speak said about him: “No man has ever
spoken like this!” (John 7:46) The tragedy of society today which more and more
excludes Jesus and the Gospel (Good News!) of His Love from its schools,
universities, and public forums in the name of pluralism and diversity… Well would
this “new America”, being ripped away from its Judeo-Christian roots, heed the
words from the book, “Imitation of Christ”, when it says, “The loss of Jesus is
the pain of Hell.”
As the Godless elements in our country continue to erase
Christmas and things Christian from our culture, they more and more create
among us a Hell come to earth in our contemporary world. They more and more
create among us the monstrous tragedy of a society where youth grow up with no
awareness of Jesus’ Love for them, the magnificent Love of God revealed for
them on the Cross of Christ. Pray for our country, a country that no longer is building on rock but is building on sand. (Mt. 7:26-27) Pray with me for a miracle that somehow
will save us from pursuing a path to ruin, pray every day for a rebirth of the
dream that was America.