Thursday, September 1, 2011

9-11 Can It be 10 Years?!

        There’s a powerful message in Fr. Peter’s preface to the September issue of “The Magnificat”. I think he is right in saying that there was a “message from God” for all of us in the meditation of Fr. Ciszek that was the reading in “The Magnificat” for September 11, 2001. Does it really seem like 10 years ago? In any case the lesson of Fr. Ciszek seems even more pressing and important for all of us today. Here's the meditation:

        “How easy it is … for us to become dependent on our routines… Friends and possessions surround us… It is the status quo that… carries us from day to day… We begin to lose sight of the fact that… behind all these things it is God who… sustains us. We go along, taking for granted that tomorrow will be very much like today, comfortable in the world we have created for ourselves… and give little thought to God. Somehow, then, God must contrive to break through those routines… and remind us once again… that we are ultimately dependent only upon him,… that his we are and that we must look to him and turn to him in everything. Then it is, perhaps, that he must allow our whole world to be turned upside down in order to remind us it (this world) is not our permanent abode or final destiny, to bring us to our senses and restore our sense of values, to turn our thoughts once more to him.”

        Incredible that this was the reading for September 11, 2001 in “The Magnificat”!!!

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