Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rick Santorum, I Applaud You! - A Response by Mike Naranjo

Mike NaranjoJan 29, 2012 07:57 PM

I could not agree more! If we were to boo or even disagree with Obama the name calling would start. Clearly those who believe in Christ are closed minded and uncaring.

Those who believe in smaller governments and less taxes are considered greedy and accused of not "not paying their fair share". While I am not a huge Mitt Romney fan I do not like some of the things being said about him. Over the the last 2 years he has paid $6 MILLION in taxes and has given away $7 MILLION to church and charity. Obviously he is what is wrong with how the wealthy pay taxes. Because he made, earned or risked $40 MILLION does mean he should have to give another $6 MILLION to political pork projects.

Sorry I got sidetracked- It is a shame Santorum is too far to the right to be electable. Perhaps Gingrich or Romney can be the voice of the right and not the right now. Perhaps when in office they will stop worrying about the 1% and the billions of dollar they contribute but perhaps addressing the trillions that is needlessly spent. Here is a great place to start- save $150 MILLION annually by stop funding Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS. The people who want that stuff should pay for it. Those that are opposed to what they stand for should not have to support it with their tax dollars.

Doug- you are a champion for those who cannot articulate what is happening all around. The erosion of values and character. Everyday our world moves in the wrong direction. That is why when someone like Rick Santorum or Tim Tebow stands up for Christ it strikes fear into the hearts of those who prefer darkness to light!

Thanks for listening

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